RFI’s total asset management approach provides a systematic process of operating, maintaining, upgrading, and disposing of retail shopping center/ mall assets cost-effectively and in an efficient manner with the goal to maximize net cash flows to the owners and an overall increase in the market value of the asset. Our approach covers all aspects of management and operations of the client’s retail project.
Our services are tailored to meet the particular needs of the asset owner during the different stages of the asset lifecycle and toward the final goals.

- Full management of Shopping Center/ Mall
- Ensure Operating Stability
- Set up all basic operational elements
- Ensure risks are mitigated
- Build basis for long term growth
- Smooth transition from pre- to post-opening operations
- Full management of Shopping Center/ Mall
- Audit and review all departments
- Implement efficiency measures
- Manage all departments
- Evaluate and Implement long term
- Growth strategies
- Maximize current & future free cash flow potential
- Full management of Shopping Center/ Mall
- Audit and review all departments
- Evaluate Hold or Sale Option
- Evaluate and Implement value enhancing strategies
- Maximize return on sale
- Full management of Shopping Center/ Mall
- Audit and review all departments
- Comprehensive rejuvenation plan and strategies
- Create solid long term growth foundation
- Implement best value strategies